Zorro Zoysia

Residential Sod Installation

Zorro Zoysia boasts a really luscious dark green color that stands it out amongst its contemporaries. Make your lawn the envy of others with this turfgrass. Zorro Zoysia is also perfect for golf courses and parks. 

This turfgrass was introduced in the early 2000s and since then, it has established itself as one of the most popular Zoysia varieties in Augusta and environs. Zorro Zoysia boasts remarkable versatility, comfortable enough in partial shades or under the full glare of the sun. Three hours of sunlight is enough to keep it satisfied. Another wonderful feature of this turfgrass is its resilience. It’s able to grow back to its normal shape even after serious mishandling. You wouldn’t even need to do anything. 

Zorro Zoysia can also survive spells of severe water shortage and extreme heat. It also doesn’t require constant mowing and trimming. 

Zorro Zoysia is a popular choice among our customers. It is efficient, budget-friendly, and durable, making it ideal for residential and commercial properties in Augusta and neighboring towns. 

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