Emerald Zoysia

Residential Sod Installation

You’ll absolutely love the brilliant beauty of Emerald Zoysia. It boasts a very smooth texture that’s gentle on your hands and if you don’t mind putting in the work, you’ll have a real winner on your hands. 

This turfgrass tolerates shade better than others such as Meyer Zoysia. It also counts a low growth tendency and high shoot density among its number qualities. Our customers at Augusta Sod Solutions also attest to its mildness. 

Unlike other Zoysia varieties, Emerald Zoysia struggles during winter. However, you won’t have to invest so much fertilizer on it, as it is able to grow thatch in record time. 

Emerald Zoysia does require great attention and regular maintenance though, especially if you want it to live up to its potentials. You’d need to regularly mow it and remove clippings. 

Thankfully, Emerald Zoysia can tolerate shades pretty well. Four hours of sun and one inch of water per week in hot weather are enough to sustain it.

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