Empire Zoysia

Residential Sod Installation

Summer is often characterised by tired-looking lawns, but one thing that makes Empire Zoysia unique is that it is unaffected by extreme heat. This amazing attribute has made Empire Zoysia highly popular and sought after. That and the fact that it boasts stunning beauty. 

Empire Zoysia is pretty uncomplicated and unfussy, boasting a high level of convenience, and our clients have confirmed as much. It is ideal for areas where heavy traffic cannot be avoided because it is resilient enough to survive whatever adversity it faces. Best of all, it’s offered at a really great price. 

Even though this turfgrass is moderately tolerant of shade, it will perform a lot better if you give it unfettered access to sunlight, for at least five hours per day. In the same vein, planting this turfgrass around large trees will limit its potential. 

Also, you’d need to give Empire Zoysia at least one inch of water every week, more if your property’s soil is sandy.

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