Zenith Zoysia

Residential Sod Installation

Zenith Zoysia is sold by then Patten Seed Company and is regarded as an improved Zoysia Cultivar in some quarters. It bears certain similarities to Meyer (the colors and blade width are almost identical), the difference being that Zenith Zoysia is potentially easier to mow due to its reduced density. 

Zenith Zoysia is the only known Zoysia type that can be planted with seeds. Further, this turfgrass can be planted in winter, which is really amazing. Another wonderful attribute of Zenith Zoysia is that it can cope very well with both heat and cold, which sets it apart from other Zoysia varieties. We also admire the impressive adaptability of this turfgrass. Even though it produces best results when it has access to the sun, it can also perform reasonably well under light shade. 

It is widely considered to be the best alternative to Fescue yards and is perfect for the warmth of Georgia. It’s not very particular about maintenance; five hours of sun every day and at least an inch of water every week are enough to keep it satisfied and shining. 

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